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Gansu Agricultural University

Gansu Agricultural University (GAU) is situated on the picturesque Yellow River bank in Anning district of Lanzhou, covering 1,650,000 of land. Its predecessor was the National Veterinary College founded in Lanzhou in October 1946, and then merged with the Gansu Agricultural College in preparations to establish Gansu Agricultural University in 1958.

GAU has 24 colleges, 1 state key discipline, 1 key discipline of state ministry of agriculture, 18 provincial key disciplines, 4 post-doctoral research stations, 8 first-level discipline doctoral degree programs, 18 first-level discipline master degree programs, and 64 bachelor degree programs. GAU has 1 state key laboratory, 1 national experimental teaching demonstration center, 11 provincial experimental teaching demonstration center, and 40 research institutes and 39 labs that provide substantial support to academic activities.

GAU has paid great attention to international academic exchanges, and has established friendly academic cooperation with many university and institutes in more than ten countries such as the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Germany, France, and Japan. These have been in the areas of visiting scholars, academic activities, scientific research cooperation, along with many other aspects of education and academic study. The International Workshop of Sustainable Livestock Development and Natural Resource Management in West China after WTO accession were successfully hosted by GAU.

To receive further information, please contact us at the following address below:

Office of International Exchange and Cooperation

Gansu Agricultural University

No. 1 Yingmen village, Anning District, Lanzhou, 730070,Gansu Province, P.R.China.

Tel: +86-931-7632459, +86-931-7631125, +86-931-7602215

Fax: +86-931-7632459

Email: faogau@gsau.edu.cn kongxf@gsau.edu.cn

For additional information about GAU, you can visit our website at http://wsc.gsau.edu.cn.

For studying at GAU, please visit website of College of International Education at https://cie.gsau.edu.cn/


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